Review: The Shattering – moved

The Shattering by Karen Healey My rating: 5 of 5 stars Mind blown. With such a complex story to bring to fruition the setup of this novel is methodical and necessary. But the tipping point arrives – and the story soars! I read this until I was done, in the dark of the night. TheContinue reading “Review: The Shattering – moved”

Review: Case of the Diamond Shadow, The

Case of the Diamond Shadow, The by Sophie Masson My rating: 4 of 5 stars The Case of the Diamond Shadow draws heavily on the Christie, Hammett, Marlowe mystery novel style – and does a jolly good job of it too. As English as breakfast tea, as tricky as Agatha, and rollicking good fun. ViewContinue reading “Review: Case of the Diamond Shadow, The”